


Below you will find the school calendar, which highlights school session days, payment deadlines, and other important dates. Please feel free to copy any event to your calendar.

Important Dates

  • April 1: Application and Registration Deadlines

    All applications for new students and registrations for returning students are due by April 1st.

  • June 1: Registration Fee

    A Registration Fee of $75 is due for each student.

  • July 1: Book Payments Due

    Book Kit Costs are due.

  • August 1: First Tuition Payment Due

    Each successive tuition payment is due on the first of each month for a total of ten months.

School Sessions

The school year begins near the end of August, and ends near the middle of June. School begins at 8:15 am and concludes at 2:45 pm, with Kindergarten concluding at 12:00 noon. Parents drop off their Grades 1-12 students by 8:10 am, and pick up by 2:50 pm.